“みんながよろこぶモノづくり” “ありそでなさそなモノづくり”
誰でもない「わたし」のために 生み出されたかのような そんなおどろきとよろこびで
笑顔があふれるジュエリー 世界中にたくさんのhappyを届けます
“creating things that everyone will enjoy”
“creating things that are unique and unique”
with such surprise and joy, it was like it was said for me, no one else.
jewelry that brings smiles, delivering lots of happy to all over the world
普遍の魅力をたたえながら 同時に常にあたらしく
永い時間 輝き続け 人々を魅了してきたデザインのジュエリーたち
いままでも これからも 愛され続けるe.m.eternal
while celebrating universal appeal, it is always new at the same time.
feels fresh every time you pick it up
jewelry with designs that continue to shine and fascinate people for a long time
filled with lots of joy
e.m.eternal, which has been and will continue to be loved